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MedAix “In our physiotherapy practices and health-oriented training centers, people come first. Therefore, we place very high value on living a high-quality service as well as a customer-enthusiastic service culture. With SayWay’s feedback system, we have the opportunity to get timely feedback from our patients and customers in order to react and make improvements as…
Mitschke Sanitätshaus GmbH | Medical supply store “With SayWay med, we determine the satisfaction of our customers via the Net Promoter Score (NPS) at various customer contact points in our stores. We have been using SayWay med for several years and the surveys are very well received by our customers. This allows us to make…
X-ray practice Am Marstall “With SayWay med, we have sharpened our focus on the essentials in our radiology practice. Patient and employee satisfaction thus always remain in focus!”
Caritas Association for the Diocese of Speyer e.V. “SayWay continuously provides us with important information on the allocation of appointments and gives our customers the opportunity to share their impressions of the quality of advice directly with us. The appealing terminal invites people to vote, as the numerous feedbacks from our customers show. Setting up…
Apotheker Günter Brands e.K. | Pharmacy “As a customer-oriented pharmacy, we are always trying to develop further. Our SayWay is a great help to us in this. Customer praise and criticism reach us in a simple way. Constructive criticism helps us to rethink our own actions and become better. And customer praise helps us to…
Seniors Center St. Raphael “In the price-performance comparison with other suppliers, under special consideration of the operability and the menu system, SayWay strongly convinced us with its terminal. The final decision in favor of SayWay’s floor stand was ultimately made easy for us by the excellent support of the SayWay team. Since we used to…