Legal Notice
Information pursuant to § 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG)
SayWay GmbH
Holbeinstr. 6
50733 Cologne
Represented by its managing director:
Frank Kleinert
Phone: +49 221 6778 233 0
Fax: +49 221 6778 233 33
Registration details:
Register Court: Cologne Local Court
Register sheet: HRB 75837
VAT-ID pursuant to § 27a of the VAT:
DE 284051677
Liability for content
The contents of this website were compiled with the utmost care. However, we cannot undertake any guarantee for their accuracy, completeness or current validity. Pursuant to § 7 (1) of the German Telemedia Act (TMG), the law limits our responsibility as a service provider to our own content on this website. According to §§ 8 to 10 of the TMG, we are not obliged to monitor third party information provided or stored on our website or to research circumstances that implicate illegal activity. This does not affect our general legal obligation to remove information or block its use. Our liability in such case shall, however, only commence at the time we become aware of the violation. We shall promptly remove any content upon becoming aware that it violates the law.
Liability for links
Our site contains links to third-party websites where we have no influence whatsoever on the content and we accept no guarantee whatsoever for their content. The respective owners or operators of the sites are always responsible for the content of the linked sites. The linked sites were checked for potential infringements at the time of linking. We found no indications of illegal content at that time. However, unless there is any concrete evidence of a legal violation, it is unreasonable to monitor the content of the linked site permanently. We shall remove any links immediately upon becoming aware that they violate the law.
The content and materials on this website provided by the site operator are protected by German copyright law. Duplication, processing, distribution or any form of exploitation of such material beyond the scope of the copyright law shall require the prior written consent of its respective author or creator. This website may only be downloaded or copied for private use, and not for commercial purposes. Where contents of this site were provided by third parties, the copyrights of these third parties were observed. Third party content is indicated as such. However, if you do discover any copyright infringement, please notify us. We shall remove such content immediately upon becoming aware that it violates the law.
(Source: eRecht24 Disclaimer)